News | 28.03.2022
“The UNIFIED Impact Committee is the soundtrack of good people doing what they do best to make positive, meaningful and sustainable change in the world.” – UNIFIED Impact Committee Mission Statement
What is the UNIFIED Impact Committee?
Founded amidst the pandemic in June 2020, the UNIFIED Impact Committee is made up of rotating representatives from all different divisions of UNIFIED Music Group.
The Impact Committee exists;
– As a forum to facilitate conversation on current world issues and coordinate collaboration across the different divisions and companies under UNIFIED Music Group
– To lead the UNIFIED Diversity Action Plan
– To perform a key part in the operations behind The UNIFIED Grant, including application shortlist selection
– As a point of contact for all internal staff with impactful ideas, great or small
The Impact Committee supports four core Pillars of Impact which you can read here.
The UNIFIED Diversity Action Plan
UNIFIED is proud to have formed a long term Diversity Action Plan with the help of Diversity Arts Australia (DARTS) and the Victorian Music Development Office (VMDO). This plan was formed with professional guidance as part of UNIFIED’s participation in the VMDO & DARTS’ Fair Play Program.
This extensive plan is in place to ensure we are practising fair company policies which are inclusive of all people, including those from diverse backgrounds or underrepresented groups (with a focus on First Nations, CALD, persons with a disability and LGBTQIA+ communities).
Diversity Action Plan Priority Statement:
“UNIFIED Music Group will commit to diversity and equality across company policies, procedures, programming, recruitment and engagement opportunities.”
If you would like to request an up to date copy of the full plan, please email
UNIFIED is proud to give back via a number of initiatives aimed at re-investing in the future of our industry and community.
Previously awarded in 2016 and 2017, The UNIFIED Grant will be relaunching in 2022 – again offering $5,000 to five different applicants who demonstrate innovative and inclusive ideas in and around the music industry. The UNIFIED Impact Committee’s Pillars of Impact (mentioned previously) will guide the committee to choose the successful applicants.
To learn more and apply, click here.